Here some advices for those who are not familiar with arbitrage betting!


Through the last years more and more people are discovered the advantages of online gambling. It is normal some of those people to want to know more about the arbitrage betting and to look for help.

As a people who have big experience with the arbitrage betting - we want to give them one main advice: "Arbitration require at least one year experience in online gambling." Otherwise, a sure profit can lead to bankruptcy.

The reason is the many intricacies and pitfalls that hiding the arbitrage betting. Some of them are:

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  1. Facing factors - Quite often the introduction of coefficients from bookmakers leads to wrong place of the odds. For example, the coefficient for the favorite team could be 5.0, while for the underdog - 1.2. Sites arbitration cannot decide whether this was an error and report huge arbitrage with other bookmakers. In 90% of these cases, however, the bookmaker void the made bets of the wrong odds. Usually experienced players can judge whether it is true or inverted arbitrage odds, but beginners may be misled.
  2. The limits of bookmakers - Limits are something with that a normal player is rarely affected, but are the number 1 enemy of traders of arbitrations. Very serious loss may occur if you bet a large sum at one bookmakaer and can not cover another one for lower limits. To avoid such a problem every player should know well the limits of the bookies where bets. This requires experience ...
  3. Bookmakers' rules - This is a page which bettors rarely read. In arbitration, however, different rules may be fatal. Ignorance of these rules may lead to a serious loss!
  4. Bookmakers-pyramids - Among the big variety of bookmakers on the internet, there are some of them from who to withdraw the money is very small. These are usually bookmakers facing bankruptcy or those created fraudulently. It happens exactly such houses to offer a record high odds to attract new customers and their money. Therefore, each player should know well the bookies where it acts. Before you deposit into a new unknown company, you must check its rating. The best is to consult with friends or more experienced players.

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There are different variation of arbitrage: Betting arbitrage, miraclebets, surebets, sports arbitraging and etc.